Hey everyone, two blog posts in two days, eh? Look at me go.
When we left off, I didn't really know what to write about in this blog. I realize that I came across like a smart ass who thinks he's got life figured out. But please know that I consider myself a commoner, just like everyone else. I'm not just another apathetic kid in my generation. You know, the one that's going to bring an end to the world as we know it? Right.
So what I've decided is that I'm going to let this blog serve an autobiographical purpose. No, I'm not going to tell you dumb twitter shit like what I ate for lunch or how T.O.'d I was that I slept through my alarm. Because, yeah that's just stupid. I don't even care about that so you sure as hell don't either.
No, instead I'm going to let this blog be whatever I want it to be at any given point. I know this probably won't do wonders for readers who enjoy consistency in their blogs, but what the hell, I'm probably going to end up being the only one who reads this shit anyways so, fuck off.
First off, I just want to say that I'm not trying to sound like a "fight the powers that be"/"stick it to the man" kind of guy. So, if at any point I do sound like that, sorry. Maybe you're reading what I'm saying incorrectly.
I have a bunch of friends who say they're interested in politics, but I think that's bullshit. I remember when I was "into" politics. I thought it was cool to have an opinion about serious stuff and it made me sound smart and it let me win arguments about stupid shit. Politics have become so ridiculous now, though. It's like a big game of chicken, more so than anything else. I feel like people only continue to argue their points because they don't want the other people to have the satisfaction of winning the argument. Like, for example, sometimes people are proven wrong, and they know that they've been proven wrong, so they decide to pretend that they were actually arguing about something entirely different and insignificant all along. Anything they can do to win an argument, I guess. Don't get me wrong, I fully took part in this crap at one point.
The irony of it is that there is no winning in politics. It's like putting fire and ice in a room together and saying, "Now, neither of you are leaving this room until you agree about what a good temperature is."
But I'm already annoying myself by talking about all of this. I feel like a million other bloggers, all giving their two cents about the wrongs of the world - as if putting it on the internet makes it matter.
Why do I even have a blog? All I do is make fun of blogs. Maybe I'm just realizing now that (perhaps) blogs are a good thing? Maybe I represent everything that's wrong in the world after all? Here I am bitching about people who think their opinions mean anything. I think I am a cynic at heart. I generally consider myself to be a pretty nice guy but, damnit, things just tend to annoy me I suppose.
I realize so far that my blog has been painfully boring, so I'll try and sex it up next time.
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